Texas Business Source Sample developed by FPS Design. www.fireprintstudios.com l All Rights Reserved.

Information for Selling A Business
You have devoted your time, money, and energy to building, running, and operating your business. It may well represent your life's work. You may have already decided that now is the right time to sell, and you want the very best professional guidance you can get. This is when working in tandem with a professional business broker can make the difference between just getting rid of the business and selling it for the very best price and terms!
Texas Business Source will provide the following services to you in the process of selling your business.
·Compile our Confidential Memorandum describing your company to the market place. This will include recasting your financial statements to accurately reflect the true earnings of your business.
·Prepare a business valuation conducted by a Third Party firm specializing in Business Valuations. (at your request) Additional Fee Involved
·Present, through our finance department, your business to the small business administration, or other appropriate financial institution for pre-approval.
·Post your business on the appropriate websites through our Internet division
·Push” your business to our local, regional, national and international brokers through our broker’s network.
·Present your business to the several potential buyers we have in our database who are looking for a business like yours.
·Take charge of the negotiation process to get for you the highest possible price for your business and on the terms acceptable to you.
·Assist you in the due diligence phase of the sale.
·Be present at closing to handle any last minute problems that may arise.
Your business isn't just any business. It is a living monument to late-night homework and early-morning deadlines. It is an accumulation of sweat, equity and lifetime achievement.
Therefore, the decision to sell your business is one of the most important decisions of your lifetime. Turning your operation into cash is a complex matter involving a number of variables, many of them unique to your business. Texas Business Source will provide competent and experienced professional guidance, through the seller process.
Get started today by following a few easy steps. Contact Us